Dossier Presentation – Death and the Process of Dying in the Social Sciences: Perspectives Around a Multidimensional Phenomena




death and dying, palliative care, cemiterial studies, necropolitics, thanatopraxy


Death and dying is a broad and multidisciplinary field. Being a ubiquitous and universal phenomenon, death welcomes a plurality of scientific approaches. Since the 1960s, research on death and dying in the Social Sciences has been growing and has already consolidated into a field with established questions, research agendas, and themes. Rituals around death, corpses and illness, practices of care, control and management of dead bodies or dying subjects, beliefs, ideas, representations and values that inform and give meaning to the end of life, all these objects are found in the literature with which this collection of texts converses. Throughout this paper, we offer an overview of the main questions of the field and point out how these dialogue with each paper included in this thematic number.



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Author Biographies

Lucas Faial Soneghet, Graduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology (UFRJ)

PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2022). Post-doctoral fellow at the Graduate Program in Sociology at the Federal University of Pernambuco.

Rachel Aisengart Menezes, Institute for Collective Health Studies, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IESC/UFRJ)

PhD in Collective Health from the Institute of Social Medicine at the of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (2004).


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How to Cite

SONEGHET, Lucas Faial; MENEZES, Rachel Aisengart. Dossier Presentation – Death and the Process of Dying in the Social Sciences: Perspectives Around a Multidimensional Phenomena. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1–16, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2023v28n1e47624. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.




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