Émile Durkheim and the critical of capitalism in the division of labor in the society
Émile Durkheim, Social division of labor, Critique of capitalism, Classical sociological theoryAbstract
This article intends to analyze the sociological diagnosis of Emile Durkheim (1858- 1917) on modern society as containing a relevant critique of capitalism. For this, I will focus in this article to presenting and discussing the central aspects of this critique in the work of The Division of Labor in Society (1893). The first part of the article consists of a discussion of the central theses of the book, in order to contextualize the historical and theoretical background within which the Durkheimian critique of capitalism is formulated. On the other hand, in the second part, divided in three sections, we approach the main object of this study, seeking to articulate the points of support of Durkheim's criticism of the industrial and liberal capitalism of his time, namely: legal and moral anomie, self-regulation of the market and inequalities.Downloads
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