From orality to hypermedia voice




Voz hipermedia, Processamento de materiais orais, Cibernarrativas, Novas tecnologias, Netnografía


From orality to hypermedia voice’ through a case study called 'Força M', it focuses on narrators who over the years were marginalized or considered subordinate, therefore, the research has as reference the Misak indigenous community (located in the department of Cauca, Colombia) and Marcos Almeida, "Maragato", a resident of the periphery (from Restinga, Porto Alegre, Brazil). The objective is to contribute to the processing of oral materials in the documentation and analysis of information, including, reflecting on the different ways of narrating the world. For that reason, the hypermedia voice with the New Technologies and the new media, also legitimize its speech position.  This article, without pretending to be “a methodological recipe”, it offers tools to systematize, categorize and analyze oral materials. The methodology is netnographic supported by the New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). It´s hoped to encourage different perspectives on the new contemporary narratives: cybernarratives. Finally, it´s important to understand the narrators / modalizing force that strengthen fieldwork and the processing of oral materials for researchers and people interested in the subject.

Author Biographies

Jennifer Paola Pisso Concha, Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca. Unicomfacauca.

Master's student of Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (UFMT) and Professor in Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca. Unicomfacauca.

Mauren Pavão Przybylski da Hora Vidal, Instituto Federal Baiano

Doctor of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul and Professor of Instituto Federal Baiano


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How to Cite

Pisso Concha, J. P., & Przybylski da Hora Vidal, M. P. (2020). From orality to hypermedia voice. Boitatá, 15(29), 56–73.

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