School and the deletion of oral poetics from childhood




Orality, Literacy, Poetry, Performance


The genres of poetic orality has been markedly inserted in textbooks cycle 1 of the Elementary School. His presence is mainly in literacy activities. However, such use occurs mainly as a pretext for reading exercises with the alphabetic code, without considering the playful and performative wealth implied in such genres . This article presents a reflection on the relevance of the work with texts of poetic orality in the early years of elementary school, respecting its original support - voice - and its performative dimension . To this end, we discuss a teaching material where the oral text is treated only as a pretext for decoding and literal reading activities .


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Author Biography

Sheila Oliveira Lima, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doctor fromUniversidade de São Paulo. Professor at Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Lima, S. O. (2014). School and the deletion of oral poetics from childhood. Boitatá, 9(18), 350–365.



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