Speech-melody: a proposal of approach to the Center of Song Meanings


  • Judson Gonçalves de Lima Universidade Federal do Paraná




Voice-melodia, Paul Zumthor, Oral poetry


Assuming that the Song´s approaches derived of theories strictly musical or strictly poetic-literary present results of partial understanding, this article presents the concept of speech-melody - except in this abstract, but developed in the article, the details of their development - defined as the voice realized in performance that held in carrying, besides the vocal elements, cantabile melody whose text is understandable. Based mainly on theoretical contribution of Paul Zumthor on the poetics of orality, the objective is point to the significant elements of the song (like the melody and the text) unified and transmitted in performance. Maybe then, we can contribute to the development of a field of study for the "little tradition" (in the words of Marcos Napolitano) Brazilian song, trying to find a center of meaning that is neither just musical and nor just poetic.


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Author Biography

Judson Gonçalves de Lima, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Prof. Dr. of Music and Art Education at the Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor Litoral


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How to Cite

Lima, J. G. de. (2013). Speech-melody: a proposal of approach to the Center of Song Meanings. Boitatá, 8(16), 84–96. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2013v8.e31568




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