The brazilian indigenous literature: debating the concept




Literature, Indigenous, Critical cultural.


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the use term "indigenous literature" as a form of reference to contemporary Brazilian Amerindian authorial production. The vision of the Western tradition of what is text, writing and literature has neglected a whole range of graphics systems and ways of narrating the Amerindians, silencing such discursive modalities for the simple fact that they are different from what was then standardized and consecrated by the standard and taste European. From a critical thinking standpoint and a literature review, based on cultural studies and epistemologies of the South, to promote a discussion about the possibility of thinking a Brazilian indigenous literary movement. Discussed a supposed essence of the term literature, the historicity of the construction of the term, as well as the political projection of indigenous literature, highlighting thus their legitimacy as a literary movement. It is hoped that this article contribute to the visibility of indigenous literature as a vehicle for identity and strengthening the movement's political configuration.


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Author Biography

Francis Mary Soares C. da Rosa, Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana.

PhD student in Education and Contemporaneity (PPGEduC). Professor of DCHF by the Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. 


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How to Cite

Rosa, F. M. S. C. da. (2016). The brazilian indigenous literature: debating the concept. Boitatá, 11(22), 92–104.




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