Stills, smells, sounds and rhythm by rings beat hits rhapsody of blood




Silence, Orality, Performance


Taunted by voices that demonstrate theoretical concerns distressed for a supposed extinction of the ancestral narratives stifled by the advent of the printed word or the contemporary world, writing exercises build understanding that the poet bard has not yet been deprived of a college that seemed safe and inalienable: its ability to exchange experiences. Rather, the intricacies of operating an intense interflow semiotic, barely noticeable to the sensitivity of Studies on rationales indolent, these voices deconstruct binaries as those separating the body of the spirit, weaving narratives worthy of more complex analyzes. In the search for arguments to prove that put the issues raised, there is the desire to examine these contagions and manipulations of series-semiotic body and its implications for the labor of artistic craftsmen silent. For an investigation to the object proposed, we performed the following methodological steps: literature searches relevant to the thematic issue; exploration of this theoretical material for the systematization of the complexity of the objects proposed for study; interviews in search of the record narratives for analysis and thorough treatment of the readings made reflected this writing exercise-epistemological.


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Author Biography

Hiran de Moura Possas, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

PhD student in Communication and Semiotics at PUC / SP


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How to Cite

Possas, H. de M. (2012). Stills, smells, sounds and rhythm by rings beat hits rhapsody of blood. Boitatá, 7(13), 138–149.



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