Freestyle in perspective: analysis of the oral practices of Londrina rappers
Freestyle, Performance, Poder, Rap, LondrinaAbstract
The present article is a result of a Hip Hop performance research, which had as an object the oral–musical practice untitled freestyle. At first we classified the Hip Hop movement in its urban context showing the conditions of its appearance. We also analyzed the proximity between the freestyle and the alternate song called repente. We used oral sources collected through interviews for the research become more complete. The interviews were used to characterize the practice of the freestyle as a performance according to the theory of Paul Zumthor – a statement transmitted in a transitory moment and unique that can be registered in the audience memory. We will also analyze the process of construction in the freestyle speech, showing the importance of its legitimation before the receivers. We will approach the relation between the concepts of the power and of the speech. Our interest concentrates in the great capacity of poetic creation present in the street culture in which a restrict number of members had contact with regular education.
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