Fermentative profile and nutritive value of maize, legume and mixed silage





Cajanus cajan cv. BRS Mandarim, forage conservation, Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Campo Grande, Stylosanthes guianensis cv. Bela, Zea mays L.


The partial substitution of maize by tropical legumes for the production of silage has aroused interest, for bringing benefits of increasing the crude protein content of corn-only silage, constituting an important alternative for the production of food in a more sustainable way. In this context, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of addition 30% tropical legumes on the fermentative characteristics and nutritive value of maize silage. The experimental design was entirely randomized with three replications. The treatments consisted of the following silages: Maize; Stylosanthes cv. Campo Grande, Stylosanthes cv. Bela: Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan cv. BRS Mandarim), maize + 30% Campo Grande; maize + 30% Bela and maize + 30% Pigeon pea, totaling 21 experimental silos. The results show that exclusive legume silage without preservatives present fermentative losses that compromise the silage quality. Addition of 30% legumes to maize silage improves the nutritional quality of the silage without compromising its fermentation profile. Stylosanthes cv. Campo Grande and Bela are the most recommended locations for maize silage. Thus, a mixed silage of maize and legumes is an alternative to improve the crude protein content of exclusive maize exclusive silage, greater sustainability, and reduced fermentative losses of legume silages.


Author Biographies

Luciana Maria da Silva, Instituto Goiano Federal

Student of the Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy, Instituto Goiano Federal, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Kátia Aparecida de Pinho Costa, Instituto Goiano Federal

Profa. Dra., Researcher Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy and Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

João Antônio Gonçalves e Silva, Instituto Goiano Federal

Student of the Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy, Instituto Goiano Federal, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

João Victor Campos Pinho Costa, Instituto Goiano Federal

Undergraduate Student in Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Adriano Carvalho Costa, Instiuto Goiano Federal

Prof. Dr., Researcher Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy and Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Eduardo da Costa Severiano, Instituto Goiano Federal

Prof. Dr., Researcher Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy and Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Patrick Bezerra Fernandes, Instituto Goiano Federal

Prof. Dr., Researcher Graduate Program in Agricultural Sciences, Agronomy and Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Katryne Jordana Oliveira, Instituto Goiano Federal

Undergraduate Student in Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Kamilly Tiffany Magalhães Mendonça, Instituto Goiano Federal

Undergraduate Student in Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.

Gercileny Oliveira Rodrigues, Instituto Goiano Federal

Undergraduate Student in Animal Science, IF Goiano, Rio Verde, GO, Brazil.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. M. da, Costa, K. A. de P., Silva, J. A. G. e, Costa, J. V. C. P., Costa, A. C., Severiano, E. da C., … Rodrigues, G. O. (2023). Fermentative profile and nutritive value of maize, legume and mixed silage. Semina: Ciências Agrárias, 44(5), 1909–1926. https://doi.org/10.5433/1679-0359.2023v44n5p1909



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