Effect of synbiotics on performance and gut health in broiler chickens submitted to an enteric challenge
Performance enhancers, Microbiome, Synbiotics.Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of a nutritional program free of performance enhancers when compared to a program using synbiotics, in both enteric challenge and non-challenge conditions, on the intestinal health and performance of broiler chickens. A total of 864 one-day-old male Cobb broiler chicks were used. The birds were distributed in a completely randomized design, using a 2 × 2 factorial scheme (2 diets × 2 health conditions), resulting in 4 diets with 12 replications of 18 birds per cage, totaling 48 experimental units. The diets used were control diet (Diet A); control diet + synbiotic (Diet B); Diet A + enteric challenge; and Diet B + enteric challenge. At 14 days old, an enteric challenge was applied with a commercial coccidiosis vaccine (20 times the manufacturer's recommended dose), followed by inoculation with Escherichia coli (ATCC® 8739™). The enteric challenge resulted in worse performance in all the phases assessed and changed the intestinal mucosa morphology five days after the challenge. At 28 days old, two weeks after the enteric challenge, a regenerative process was already occurring. Supplementation with synbiotics improved the feed conversion of the 28-day-old birds, regardless of the experimental challenge. Synbiotic supplementation resulted in greater tensile strength, hardness, and elasticity of the jejunal mucosa. These results indicate that it is possible to improve productivity using alternative additives, even in experimental environments where variables are controlled and free from challenges that compromise animal welfare and health.
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