Physiological potential of seeds from different positions of the soybean plant at reduced seeding rates
Glicine max (L) Merrill, minimum optimal seeding rate, plant population, physiological qualityAbstract
Lowering seeding rate is a technique that has been studied as a strategy to reduce soybean production cost without yield losses. However it can directly impact seed production and formation, because it alters plant morphology and modifies intraspecific competition, water use efficiency and microclimate. This work aimes to investigate whether soybean cultivation in reduced seeding rates alters the physiological potential of seeds, at different stratum of the plants, in two cultivars with discrepant branching ability. The experimental design was completely randomized, with split-plots considering: five seeding rates (100, 80, 60, 40 and 20% of the recommended by the breeder), in the plot and three seed positions in the plant (lower, medium and higher), in the subplot. It was used the cultivars BRS 1010 IPRO and NS 5959 IPRO. Germination, first count of germination, seedling length and dry mass, electrical conductivity, accelerated aging and sand emergence were evaluated. The physiological potential of the seeds is higher in the upper stratum of the plant compared to the lower stratum. Lowering seeding rate to values up to 40% of the recommended by the breeder does not cause significant impacts on the physiological potential of the seeds. The reduction of seeding rate, to only 20% of the recommended one, results in lower seed vigor. Seed germination of the cultivars NS 5959 IPRO and BRS 1010 IPRO is higher in sowing densities ranging from 40 to 80% of those recommended by breeders.
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