Grazing height and nitrogen fertilization strategy in black oat/maize succession
Black oats, Canopy height, Nitrogen fertilization, Winter pasture, Zea mays.Abstract
This study was developed to examine the effect of combining nitrogen (N) fertilization strategies and pasture management heights on animal and grain production in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Abelardo Luz - SC, Brazil, between April 2017 and April 2018. A randomized-block design was adopted, with the treatments arranged in a 2×2 factorial arrangement with three replicates. The first factor was the height of the pasture managed under continuous grazing: high (HH, 20 cm) or low (LH, 12 cm). The second factor corresponded to the N application times: in the winter, in the pasture (NP), and in the summer, in the grain crop (NG), in a single N rate of 200 kg ha-1 as topdressing. The forage species used during the pasture phase was black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb), and the pasture was grazed by Nellore × Charolais crossbred steers with an initial body weight of 260 kg. The summer crop was maize (Zea mays). Average daily gain (ADG) and herbage allowance were higher in HH than in LH, whereas animal load was higher in HH. Between the N application times, the animal load was higher in NP. Pasture management height and N fertilization strategy did not affect the variables of number of rows per ear, number of grains per row, thousand-grain weight, or total grain yield, which overall averaged 14,090 kg ha-1. In conclusion, the inversion of nitrogen fertilization between the periods of winter pasture production and grain crop and the management height of the black oat pasture do not compromise the production of maize grains in the summer, or animal production per area. However, steer performance is greater (higher ADG) when the pasture is managed at 20 cm, whereas a high grazing intensity significantly reduces straw on the soil.Downloads
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