Culinary quality and sensory profile of cassava varieties harvested at different ages
CATA, Chemical composition, Cooking, texture, Manihot esculenta, Sensory acceptance.Abstract
Sweet cassava must be rapidly cooked and meet the sensory and technological requirements of consumers. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the culinary quality of sweet cassava varieties harvested at three ages and obtain the sensory profile of these varieties using the check-all-that-apply method (CATA). Roots of three cassava varieties released or recommended by Embrapa (BRS Aipim Brasil, BRS Dourada and Saracura) and the commercial variety Eucalipto, harvested at nine, 12 and 15 months of age, were evaluated for physical, chemical and sensory aspects. At nine months of age, the Saracura, BRS Aipim Brasil and BRS Dourada varieties did not differ in cooking time, averaging 41.62 min. The Eucalipto variety had similar cooking times at the three harvest ages, averaging 21.83 min. There was a difference between the four varieties at nine months, with Saracura exhibiting the lowest acceptance score (5.0) and differing from the Eucalipto variety, which showed an average score of 6.3. At 12 months of age, there was a significant increase in the acceptance of the Saracura and BRS Aipim Brasil varieties, which did not differ from Eucalipto and had an average score of 6.4. Consumers perceived differences between the sensory characteristics of the cassava varieties using CATA. The sensory terms “creamy”, “soft” and “sticky” can be associated with greater acceptance of cooked cassava roots, whereas terms such as “floury”, “slightly bitter”, “no taste”, “hard” and “fibrous” can be associated with less acceptance and are therefore undesirable from the consumer’s point of view. Principal component analysis showed that the age at which the roots were harvested had a great effect on the culinary quality of cassava, regardless of the evaluated variety. The commercial variety Eucalipto was well-accepted by the consumers irrespective of root age and can be harvested at any of the evaluated ages. For the Saracura, BRS Aipim Brasil and BRS Dourada varieties, harvesting is recommended at 12 or 15 months so that better quality roots are obtained.Downloads
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