Production of sugarcane seedlings pre-sprouted in commercial and alternative substrates with by-products of the sugarcane industry
Physical and chemical characteristics, Saccharum sp, Sugar and alcohol residues, Vegetative propagation.Abstract
The sugarcane agro-industry is a major producer of organic waste, which could be used as substrates for production of pre-sprouted sugarcane seedlings aiming at reducing production costs and the sustainability of the sugar and alcohol industry. This study aimed to identify the best position of origin of the bud chip (little portion of stem with one bud) for the production of pre-sprouted seedlings (PSS) of sugarcane and the effects of commercial and alternative substrates containing by-products of the sugarcane industry on the production of sugarcane PSS. For this, a 4x2 factorial experiment was performed with four substrates: two commercial (TRIMIX® and BIOPLANT®) and two substrates formulated from sugarcane bagasse and filter cake (SABAFI and SUSBAFI) combined with bud chip from the basal and apical regions. The chemical and physical-hydric properties of the substrates and the development of PSS were evaluated. The substrates evaluated provided contrasting environments for root growth in relation to the physical-hydric and chemical properties. The use of by-products from the sugarcane industry can be added to the formulation of substrates for the production of pre-sprouted sugarcane seedlings, although the commercial substrate TRIMIX® provides superior performance to the seedlings, regardless of the origin position of the bud chip.Downloads
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