Wheat production performance in response to nitrogen sidedressing and molybdenum leaf application
N, Micronutrient, Productivity, Triticum aestivum L.Abstract
The application of nitrogen (N) at the appropriate time can be effective for crop productivity, changing the grain yield by increasing yield components. Thus, new alternatives that enable a better application of N fertilizer are sought. The aim of this study was to evaluate the components of yield and productivity of wheat cultivated with different doses of N sidedressing and molybdenum (Mo) via leaf application, using two cultivars, CD 150 and Quartzo. The experiment was conducted in the crop years of 2013 and 2014. The experiment used a randomized, factorial 4 x 4 block design, with four replicates. Four doses of N sidedressing in the form of urea were applied (0, 30, 60, and 90 kg ha-1) during tillering. In the same period, leaf molybdic fertilizer was applied, using four dosages of Mo in the form of potassium molybdate (0, 20, 40, and 60 g ha-1). Grain number per ear (GNPE), 1,000-grain mass (TGM), hectoliter weight (HW), and grain productivity (PROD) were evaluated. N fertilizer sidedressing did not promote the yield components of either of the wheat cultivars, although the GNPE of the Quartzo cultivar increased with increasing N doses in both crop years. The increase in N fertilizer increased the PROD of both wheat cultivars. The foliar application of Mo did not promote the yield components or wheat PROD of either cultivar. The HW was influenced by N and Mo rates, and was reduced in the absence of either of these fertilizer elements, indicating that the two nutrients were dependent on each other.Downloads
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