The Reverse "Other": Ethnography, Power Relations and Truth Production Processes




ethnography, power relations, otherness, difference, truth-producing processes


Of the image of the field researcher as endowed with extraordinary empathy for the natives, Clifford Geertz stated that the relationship between the anthropologist and the studied people is inevitably asymmetric since the two parties come to meet with different origins, expectations, and purposes. Based on this assumption, the article discusses the mutual efforts of utilitarian appropriation that, eventually, ethnographers and natives undertake among themselves. To this end, itresumes reminiscences ofresearch conducted among charismatic Catholics, pointing out how their representatives sought to impose meanings on ethnographic work and, consequently, exercise some control
over their results. Before, however, it goes through historical landmarks of ethnographic research and discusses the controversial research techniques employed by anthropologist Marcel Griaule to obtain absolute control over his informants during the ethnographic process of truth production.


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Author Biographies

Edilson Márcio Almeida da Silva, Fluminense Federal University (UFF)

PhD in Anthropology from the Fluminense Federal University (2007). Professor at the Department and Graduate Program in Anthropology at Universidade Federal Fluminense.


Emanuel Freitas da Silva, Ceará State University (UECE)

PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Ceará (2018). Professor at the Faculty of Education of Itapipoca and at the Graduate Programs in Planning and Public Policy and Sociology at the State University of Ceará.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Edilson Márcio Almeida da; SILVA, Emanuel Freitas da. The Reverse "Other": Ethnography, Power Relations and Truth Production Processes. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 28, n. 1, p. 1–14, 2023. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2023v28n1e46584. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 dec. 2024.




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