The haitian anthropology and the race question in the nineteenth century
Haitian anthropology, Black race, Anténor Firmin, Hannibal priceAbstract
When looking at the racial issue, this article presents considerations about 19th century Haitian Anthropology, focusing on two works produced at the end of the same century, On the Equality of Human Races: positive anthropology by Firmin (1885) and On the Rehabilitation of the Black Race by Price Republic of Haiti (1898). Both authors not only denounced violence, discrimination suffered by the black “race”, but also denounced European scientific racism, struggling to (re) build a positive image of black people. Analyzing these works, I understand that these authors had influences on African American thinkers. I also make it clear that his works aimed to promote a new conception of Anthropology and human beings. When comparing these two works, I understand that Haitian anthropology, throughout the 19th century, remained a counter-hegemonic anthropology.Downloads
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