End of the class struggle? the theory of classes in political power and social classes from May 1968 and its peculiarity in relation to the Althusserian current
Marxism, Nicos Poulantzas, Social classes, AlthusserianismAbstract
Departing from sociological interpretations inspired by May of 1968, this article attempts to revive the centrality of the theory of social classes for the understanding of the different social movements and collective organizations. To that end, it departs from the contributions of Nicos Poulantzas’s Political Power and Social Classes, attempting to determine its peculiarities, advances and limits en relation to the process of renovation of Marxism, in general, and the Althusserian current, in particular. The general thesis is that this work has a theory of social classes in a practical state, whose principle characteristic is the primacy of social practices in the delimitation of social classes.Downloads
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