Ethics and research in social sciences: reflections on a connected field
Ethic, Social research, Digital media, Internet, Social sciencesAbstract
The growing deepening of technological mediation in our daily lives, increasingly, shows its reflexes in the social science agendas renewing the tools and logistics of research. It aims to discuss how consolidated principles of research ethics in social sciences can be incorporated into the practice of qualitative research in which digital is part of the field, research design, selection of techniques, collection, analysis and exposure of data and results. Initially, we analyzed the ethical guidelines forresearch in the Social Sciences, based on the letters of the International Sociology Association (ISA) and the Brazilian Society of Sociology (SBS); then we present the specificities of the relations digitally mediated with special attention to the dimensions of the consent of the information and data collected in semi-public pages maintained in social networks services; and, finally, considering the vulnerability of the connected subjects, we approach a set of guidelines for mediated research practices.Downloads
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