Ñemosarambipa: forced displacement among the Guarani in Mato Grosso Do Sul
Border, Guarani Mobility, Guarani territorialityAbstract
The main elements considered in this work are the location of the Guarani in a transnational territory that are present in four countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. As a result, Guarani works with notions and concepts of border. In addition, we will explore the Guarani conception of mobility because currently there is a deep ligation of the Guarani people walked toward the East, with the formation of existing indigenous lands and those in training. And finally we board the concept of Ñemosarambipa, which in Guarani means spread. This concept is used by the guarani indigenous to explain the process of scattering of villages and extended families at the time that the implementation of the farm of gado and corresponding loss of land occurred. Thus, we understand that the process of expulsion and confinement left as consequence the “spread” (ñemosarambipa), which meant the decay and social disintegration of Guarani in Mato Grosso do Sul.Downloads
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