The gender of science: reflections on the actor-network theory and the feminist perspective
Actor-network theory, Feminist theory, Science, Gender, AnthropologyAbstract
This article discusses some of the principles that guide the descriptive forms of the actor-network theory (ANT) of Bruno Latour and feminist standpoint theory formulated by Sandra Harding and Evelyn Fox Keller, through my research on the "Marie Curie Case". As a singular case between gender and science, the goal of this paper is to play with ANT certainties against feminist perspective uncertainties. In the other hand, the certainties of feminist perspective are put against the uncertainties of ANT. With this counterpoint we intend to promote a reaction - in the chemical sense of the word – to the descriptive forms of the actor-network theory and feminist perspective taking away the obviousness of some of their assumptions. Doing that, we explore the moves of those reactions and their effects to the description which we do about science.Downloads
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