WhatsApp as a tool in English teaching-learning
English teaching-learning, Educational technology, WhatsAppAbstract
The technological influence in the different social spheres of the contemporary world is undeniable. Thus, within the educational context, technological tools promise to enhance pedagogical practices (COSTA, LOPES, 2015, PRENSKY, 2010 among others). In this respect, WhatsApp can be a powerful tool in language teachinglearning (ARIMURA; TAKAKI, 2014; BELÉM, 2014). Taking these assumptions into account, this article presents a didactic proposal envisioning the linguistic development in the English language, both in the oral and written skills. We hope that this proposal can contribute to the theoretical-methodological enrichment of the literature, since there is a shortage of empirical studies in this theme. In addition, this research emphasizes the importance of feedback, which in turn has been neglected in studies conducted in the field.
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