Sequence didactic concepts underlying a teaching proposal opinion article teaching guided by the practice of linguistic analysis
Teaching sequence, Teaching modeling, Teaching writingAbstract
The main purpose of this article ir to analyze a didactic sequence that was developed for the teaching of a textual production of an opinion article for Secondary School students, that has adopted the practice of linguistic analysis as a methodological teaching perspective. Thus, the classes had the objective to practice linguistic analysis in the development of textual thematic progression of student productions. Therefore, in addition to rewriting activities of gender opinion article (both collective and individual), there were also developed activities that addressed the theme of the texts and the textual chaining through the use of argumentative operators. We observed how the sequence was performed, which theory of DS underlies the analyzed sequence and if this model really follows the theoretical prescriptions on this subject, relating the SD concepts and didactic modeling by Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly (2004) with the DS already developed and implemented. Then, we analyzed if we follow the DS model of Geneva (Dolz, Noverraz and Schneuwly, 2004) and if there was adaptations, by checking if the DS proposed activities has facilited the teaching of an argumentative genre. The results shows changes from the traditional concept of teaching sequence presented by the Geneva group.Downloads
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