Youth interactions in network
communicative processes of the atléticas of UFT
Interactions, Youths, Urban tribes, Atléticas, Social mediaAbstract
This article is the result of a research project from the Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships (PIBIC), entitled ‘The process of youth interaction and media convergence as a mode of identification/presentation of urban tribes: the case of the Atléticas of UFT’ and research associated with the Research, Extension and Journalistic Practices Center (Nujor/UFT). The objective was to understand the reality of the Atléticas of the Federal University of Tocantins and observe the process of interaction/social/informational exchanges of these groups to identify both modes of identification of youth from the perspective of urban tribes and the mediations of digital media and social networks in communicational relations. We used a questionnaire and interview as data collection methods, in addition to literature review. As a result, we have that the Atléticas are seen by the respondents as spaces of integration and social interaction with a strong affective connection and that digital communicative networks are used, mainly, to expedite information. We also observed that network interactions favor self-affirmation, encouragement for positions, however, for discussions that include important decisions the group’s preference is for face-to-face meetings.
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