Displacements and wanders: the creation of performative writings
Writing, Literature, Wander, BodyAbstract
This article presents some reflections, analysis and poetic creations from the author’s P.H.D. research untitled Performative writing: texts created by bodys and spaces, in which we relate the body’s experiences from writers during walks and wanders and their textual results. The intent is to reflect about the nature of those texts emerging form these kinds of practices, considering the body and mind as two integrated entities. I began with the following question: is it possible to engage the body in the act of writing? In order to answer this question, this article charts a brief history of the body and its relationship to writing throughout modernity, utilizing the studies of theorists like Georges Vigarello and David Le Breton, philosophers, like Deleuze and Rousseau, and literary critics, like Dominique rabaté. The aim is to demonstrate that the dualistic Cartesian viewpoint - in which mind and body are separate entities – is a historical construction that can be questioned and opposed.
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