Reflections on the presence of oral poetics among us
Oral poetic traditions, Poetic form, Dialog between culturesAbstract
This paper offers some reflections on the possibility of a dialog between African and NativeAmerican oral poetics and Western poetics within Brazilian literary scenery. From the notion that Brazilian culture, and therefore its literature, is an extension of European culture, with no possible solid contributions from Native-American and African elements, the text argues, based on works by authors such as Segismundo Spina, Ruth Finnegan, Jerome Rothenberg and Antonio Risério, that a dialog with oral poetic traditions, in particular those found in Brazil, is possible and desirable. Some theories about the supposedly primitive character of the cultures from which these poetics have sprung and some of their aesthetic characteristics are discussed, proposing that, as distinct as they are, oral and written poetic traditions share some common features that can be brought together.Downloads
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RISÉRIO, A. Textos e tribos. Rio de Janeiro: Imago, 1993.
ROTHENBERG, J. Etnopoesia no milênio. Organização de Luci Collin. Tradução de Sérgio Cohn. Rio de Janeiro: Azougue Editorial, 2006.
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SILVA, V. F. Em Busca de uma autenticidade. In: SILVA, V. F. Transcendência do Mundo: Obras Completas, v. 3. São Paulo: Editora É Realizações, 2012.
SILVA, V. F. Enzo Paci e o pensamento sul-americano. In: SILVA, V. F. Transcendência do Mundo: Obras Completas, v. 3. São Paulo: Editora É Realizações, 2012.
SILVA, V. F. Sobre a poesia e o poeta. In: SILVA, V. F. Transcendência do Mundo: Obras Completas. São Paulo: Editora É Realizações, 2012. v. 3
SOYINKA, W. Between Self and System: The Artist in Search of Liberation. In:SOYINKA, W. Art, Dialogue, and Outrage: Essays on Literature and Culture (edited by Biodun Jeyifo). New York: Pantheon Books, 1993.
SPINA. S. Na madrugada das formas poéticas. Cotia: Ateliê Editorial, 2002.
TYLOR, E. B. Primitive Culture. Henry Holt and Company. New York, 1874. Reedição facsimilar por Forgotten Books. 2012.
How to Cite
Migliavacca, A. M. (2014). Reflections on the presence of oral poetics among us. Boitatá, 9(18), 313–329.
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