Aspects of popular culture in the stories of Alexandre, Graciliano Ramos: a problematic reception




Popular culture, Alexander's stories, Graciliano Ramos, Reception, Storyteller.


In this article, we will propose an analysis of the book Histórias de Alexandre, by Graciliano Ramos, published in 1944 and later republished under the title of Alexander and other heroes, from certain possible approaches with popular culture. At first, we will outline the route of the reception of this work, crossed by a series prejudices motivated by a narrow vision of popular culture, considered at the time as a rustic production, uncultured (BURKE, 2010). Such a view relegated this publication, until recently, to a kind of critical limbo. Then, we will point out the role of popular culture in the composition of the book, which appropriates elements characteristic of compendiums and collections of folklore and popular narratives, abundant in the passage between the 19th and 20th centuries. In addition, aspects of popular culture also participate in the narrative organization of Alexander's Stories, as the  author puts on stage a character who seeks to emulate, record and perpetuate the natural narrator proposed by Benjamin (1994).


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Author Biography

Rosalia Rita Evaldt Pirolli, Universidade Federal do Paraná

PhD student at the Universidade Federal do Paraná.


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How to Cite

Pirolli, R. R. E. (2016). Aspects of popular culture in the stories of Alexandre, Graciliano Ramos: a problematic reception. Boitatá, 11(22), 206–220.



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