The universe shaped by popular gaucho poetry: man and woman


  • Lisana Bertussi Universidade de Caxias do Sul



Popular poetry, Cancioneiro, Gaucho regionalism


A study of popular gaucho poetry based on the collections Cancioneiro Guasca (1910), by Simões Lopes Neto, Cancioneiro gaúcho (1952), by Augusto Meyer, and Cancioneiro da Revolução de 1835 (1935), by Apolinário Porto Alegre, highlighting the subjects man and woman, their love relations, their role in the countryside universe, their possibility of speech, and imposition of will and values. By focusing on these aspects, the intention here is to show that, because of their emphasis, these subjects occupy the space of war fights, which were unpopular, since little poeticized. Besides, it becomes patent to what extent gaucho regionalism was already present in the origins of our literature.

Author Biography

Lisana Bertussi, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Professor of the Universidade de Caxias do Sul


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How to Cite

Bertussi, L. (2017). The universe shaped by popular gaucho poetry: man and woman. Boitatá, 5(10), 91–102.


