Poetry & music: genesis, dialogues and reunions
Poetry, Music, OralityAbstract
This research purposes to show the ways of the poetry and the music, in their contacts to each one, in the continuous valorization of the orality. The greek term “mousiké” embodied an integral unit of melody and verse and represented, by The Republic, of Platon, the main information chanel of men formation, and the the oral culture manifestation. By this way, for the oral speech, in performance, that a coletive voice materialized. The orality stayed during a long time, even in Media Age. In the medieval songs, the orality was present in the origin of this poetry, which was born to been singing. But the writing, step to step, entered in the civilizations, like a natural and necessary orality product.However, the spoken word survived and in the Renascence a lot of texts received a music companion, but only a long time after, in 20th century, a hard tendency of doing interchanger poetry and music again imposed. The poetry come back to be singing, through the medieval songs effects which extended to a lot of places of brazilian popular music. The midia are the channels of this new singing poetry and the festivals are the scenery of it.
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