The track paths: expressions from oral literature in south-riograndense frontier
Oral narratives, Border, FuseAbstract
For understanding the border imagery as a relevant matter both in terms of heritage culturally, and from an academic point of view, this article, produced from the collections made in the Project “Orality and frontier ”, looks at the cities of Jaguarão and Rio Branco as abundant socio-cultural spaces oral narratives. It is from this perspective that we take discourse and representation as a matter of investigation. of the inhabitants of these cities, especially in their oral manifestations of literary content. In collections performed by project members, sometimes very peculiar characters emerge, whose history or fictionalization of life brings elements capable of translating and highlighting the experience of the frontier. Therefore, we analyzed the construction of Rastilho, one of the great motifs of the oral narratives of that space, and we sought understand the dynamics of this construction based on inventive and fictional character, but also on contextual data that condition such construction.
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