Foliar application of H2O2 as salt stress attenuator in ‘BRS Rubi do Cerrado’ sour passion fruit
Passiflora edulis, Salt stress, Hydrogen peroxide, Acclimatization.Abstract
Irrigation with saline water causes a reduction in yield, especially in semi-arid regions. Cultivation strategies have been developed to mitigate salt stress on plants, such as the use of hydrogen peroxide. The objective of this study was to evaluate the attenuating effect of hydrogen peroxide on the gas exchange and growth of ‘BRS Rubi do Cerrado’ sour passion fruit cultivated under irrigation with saline water. The design was completely randomized in split-plot plots, with water salinity levels ECw (0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, and 3.0 dS m-1) considered the plots and the concentrations of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 (0, 15, 30, and 45 uM) considered the subplots, with three replicates. Gas exchange (stomatal conductance, transpiration, CO2 assimilation rate, intercellular CO2 concentration, instantaneous water use efficiency, and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency), and absolute and relative growth rates in stem diameter were evaluated. An increase in irrigation water salinity from 0.6 dS m-1 reduced gas exchange, and exogenous application of hydrogen peroxide did not promote a significant effect on gas exchange. However, foliar application of hydrogen peroxide at 15 uM increased the growth of ‘BRS Rubi do Cerrado’ sour passion fruit.Downloads
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