Identification of sorghum hybrids for silage production in the semiarid (BSh) region of northeastern Brazil
Chemical characteristics, Nutritional value, Productivity, Semiarid, Sorghum bicolor.Abstract
The objective of this study was to identify the hybrids of sorghum most suitable for the production of silage in the semiarid regions of northeastern Brazil. Twenty-three hybrids were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replicates. The dry mass yield; dry mass of leaf, stem, panicle, grains, and senescent matter; and chemical composition of the plant were evaluated. The pH, ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3), and chemical composition of the silage were also assessed. The hybrids 947252, FEPAGRO 18, 12F042226, and SF 11 performed best in terms of morphological characteristics, with the highest mass of leaves and grains. The hybrid FEPAGRO 19 had the highest dry matter value (443.3 ± 17.0 g kg-1), whereas the hybrid 12F042496 had the lowest value (271.3 ± 17.0 g kg-1). The dry matter (DM) content of the other hybrids was within the recommended values for silage production (280 to 400 g kg-1). High levels of crude protein were observed in the grouped hybrids 12F042496, 947254, and 12F042422. The hybrid 12F042496 had the highest neutral detergent fiber content. The hybrids 9929036, 9929030, 9929012, 947254, 947072, PROG 134 IPA, 12F042226, 12F042422, and BRS 506 had pH values ranging between 3.8 and 4.2, indicating good quality silage. Overall, the sorghum hybrids 9929030, 12F042224, 12F042150, FEPAGRO19, and FEPAGRO11 had the best growth and production characteristics, and plant and silage chemical composition, and are thus recommended for the production of silage in the semiarid of northeastern Brazil.Downloads
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