Temperature, thermal comfort, and animal ingestion behavior in a silvopastoral system
Area of refuge, Forest-livestock, Microclimate, Shade, Temperature and Humidity Index.Abstract
Thermal discomfort is one of the main causes of production losses in animals fully exposed to solar radiation under extensive livestock farming. The inclusion of trees in this farming system is the most efficient strategy to decrease the temperature and increase animal productivity without the need to explore new areas. In this context, the objective of this study was to characterize the microclimate in a silvopastoral system (SPS), a refuge area, and an open pasture, and evaluate thermal comfort and the ingestive behavior of animals under shade. The study was conducted at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná (IAPAR), located in Ibiporã, Paraná state, Brazil, in three areas with distinct management systems: a SPS of Eucalyptus grandis with Tifton 85 (Cynodon spp.), a woodland of Leucena leucocephala that provided shade to cattle, and a pasture in full sun (PFS). Automatic meteorological stations were installed in the SPS (one station beside the tree lines and the other in an average distance perpendicular to the rows), one in the refuge area, and one in the PFS. The measured variables were air temperature and relative humidity. The mean temperatures of the shaded treatments were compared to those of the PFS using a t-test. The mean values of the temperature and humidity index (THI) were calculated for each season of the year. The animal ingestion behavior in the SPS was analyzed in three typical days in different seasons of the year. Significant differences were observed between shade treatments and full-sun pasture, with a temperature decrease ranging from 0.4 to 1.6 °C in the shaded systems. The comparison of animal thermal comfort between the study areas in different seasons of the year indicated that there were no significant differences in thermal comfort between the SPS and refuge area relative to the PFS, suggesting a need to monitor the animals’ body temperature to better estimate thermal comfort. The evaluation of the ingestive behavior evidenced the animals’ preference to perform activities under tree shade and that the SPS led to changes in their food habits, optimizing grazing time. Therefore, the trees directly affected the microclimate of the studied environments, attenuating the temperature, protecting the animals against direct solar radiation, and providing better thermal comfort.Downloads
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