Some aspects about the role of medium-sized cities in the process of globalization of the economy: the case of Londrina-Paraná
Globalization, Public policy, Administrative decentralizationAbstract
The main objective of this article is to analyze the process that medium-sized cities are going through regarding the struggle for resources of the so-called global capital aiming at their industrialization process. It attempts to problematize these issues in order to introduce a discussion about the effectiveness of public policies and industrialization projects implemented in these municipalities in the recent period of Brazilian history, in an attempt to make cities more attractive to large international capital. To this end, the city of Londrina was analyzed, which is implementing a broad policy aimed at restructuring its industrial park. It is about trying to understand how the technical and political discourses of the local public authorities are constituted, which justify the distribution of resources for industrialization projects and how effective they are in generating employment and income.Downloads
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