UNASUR and the closing of the cycle of the struggles against neoliberal capitalism in Bolivia. About the conflict between the executive branch and the prefects of the Eastern Crescent, 2008.





UNASUR, Bolivian, Bolivian constitution, Social conflict


We propose to describe and interpret the actions of UNASUR regarding the conflict developed in 2008 between the mayors of the “Medialuna de Oriente” and the Bolivian National Executive Power. We will point out that the actions of UNASUR tended to affirm peace and the institutional stability of Bolivia, affirming and confirming the correlations of force announced with the ascent of Evo Morales to the national government. We will argue that the intervention of UNASUR was a constitutive mark of its emergence, although previously announced in its agenda and organizational structure. In this way, we will show that UNASUR operated as a support of state power in order to discipline the insurgent bourgeoisie. To show this, we will first describe the events of Bolivia during 2008. We will indicate that they were mounted on the cycle of struggles against neoliberal capitalist forms, which persisted in the form of the dispute over the sanction of the new Constitution which sought to crystallize the new balance between the social forces enshrined in the rise of Evo Morales to the Executive Power. Finally, we will describe the actions of the UNASUR that enabled the resolution of the conflict, and we will point out the ways in which it helped to achieve the restitution of state power after the cycle of struggles against neoliberal capitalism. In this sense, we will indicate that it operated as a support of the state power which tended to discipline the insurgent bourgeoisie. For this we will observe that the UNASUR annulled the insurgents as valid interlocutors and tended to show their guilt.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Federico Pascual, Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego - UNTDF

Doctor in Political Sciences from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego.

Sabrina Lobato, Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego - UNTDF

Degree in Political Science from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego.


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How to Cite

PASCUAL, Rodrigo Federico; LOBATO, Sabrina. UNASUR and the closing of the cycle of the struggles against neoliberal capitalism in Bolivia. About the conflict between the executive branch and the prefects of the Eastern Crescent, 2008. Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais, Londrina, v. 24, n. 1, p. 48–73, 2019. DOI: 10.5433/2176-6665.2019v24n1p48. Disponível em: https://ojs.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/mediacoes/article/view/35482. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


