Women on the left and right: political careers and political parties
Women, Parties, Political CareerAbstract
The objective of this article is to identify the socioeconomic and political profiles of federal deputies elected in 2014. It is intended to answer the following questions: What are the parties that managed to elect women? There are significant differences concerning the ideological spectrum? How did the distribution of these parliamentarians in the States? What is the profile of the elected in level of education, age and profession? How the time of party affiliation relates to women of different parties? Have family relationships with established policy is an important feature in this group? Our main hypothesis corroborates the thesis already established in the literature that the parliamentary left parties run a long history within the same party, and to win a position as a federal deputy, these politicians go before other positions, such as councilors, state legislators and sometimes mayors (SANTOS E SIERNA, 2007; MIGUEL, 2003). On the other hand, the center parties and right, you can see the use of shortcuts, such as accumulated political capital by other individuals and shared by family relationships, so that success in political office is at an early stage.Downloads
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