Contemporary social pathologies: he social figth against the figure of the devil nd the malaise of freedom
Globalization, Malaise, Values, Religious individualizationAbstract
This paper aims to show that with the advancement of modernization processes of Brazilian society we have witnessed a new style of religiosity, from which an increasingly unpredictable type of faithful individual emerges. From the beginning of the XXI century, the emphasis is on reframing of lifestyles, behaviors and social behaviors, and therefore, the style of religiosity. Such process undermines and collapses supposed remnants of a "pre-modern" Brazilian inheritance, characterized by traditional forms of domination, regulation, control and patriarchal and patrimonial tutelage of life politics. Currently, there is one unintentional movement of the "subjects", newly released, which operates underground and stealth to traditional socio-institutional mechanisms of social and political domination.Downloads
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