Culture and Education in the Delta do Rio Parnaíba

the making of the griô Zé Santana




Cultura; Educação; Ilha Grande; Zé Santana


This article deals with the cultural action of the griô Zé Santana in Ilha Grande-PI, in the Delta do Rio Parnaíba. The objective is to analyze the contributions of Zé Santana's cultural action in the riverside community of Ilha Grande-PI. Specifically, we aim to: characterize the cultural action of Zé Santana, emphasizing his consitution as a cultural educator; to relate the doing of this griô master with a possible educational practice; to show the relevance of the artistic-literary production of the aforementioned popular master for the education, history and cultural memory of the people of Ilhagrandense. This is a qualitative research, developed in the light of the methodology of Content Analysis, having as technique the semi-structured interview applied with five residents of the referred region. The theoretical basis is based on Bardin (2016), Brandão (2007), Santos (1994), Werneck (2003), among others. The study showed that the actions within the community made Zé Santana a kind of cultural educator, because his doing enabled different forms of learning and the construction of knowledge about life and culture in the space of the city in question.

Author Biographies

José Marcelo Costa dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Piauí

Professor da UESPI, doutorando em Educação (UFPI)

Maria do Amparo Borges Ferro, UEL



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How to Cite

Costa dos Santos, J. M., & Maria do Amparo Borges Ferro. (2024). Culture and Education in the Delta do Rio Parnaíba: the making of the griô Zé Santana. Boitatá, 18(36), e023014.