We’re in together, Favela! Peripheral art as an educational method





Periferia, Linguagem, Arte, Política, Educação.


In this work, we present some results of a research carried out at the Center for Lexical and Terminological Studies (LexTerm Center) of the University of Brasília. We also publish some reports of experiments experienced in educational institutions and in cultural houses in the Federal District. The first practice deals with an educational experience and has a more scientific-speculative character; the second fundamentally involves poetry and performance. Our objective is, based on the artistic aesthetics of the peripheries, to verify effective strategies that seek to rescue a marginalized and vulnerable population, in addition to making fundamental content accessible in search of awareness and social justice. Thus, we find that, even in a condition of subordination, the peripheral people are not passive, since they reject the knowledge of the oppressor, as well as rescue and forge their own knowledge. From the above, we can observe the importance of working art with narratives and language that contemplate the reality of peripheral speech.


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Author Biography

Ana Carolina de Souza Silva, Universidade de Brasília - Unb

Doctor student in UnB


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How to Cite

Silva, A. C. de S. (2021). We’re in together, Favela! Peripheral art as an educational method. Boitatá, 16(31), 60–70. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2021v16.e40999

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