Bildung (training) how travel is the experience of alterity




Fate, Bildung, Formation, Crossin, Otherness.


The text reflects life as vagueness and non-domain. It seeks to contribute to the broadening of the meaning of formation (Bildung) concept, as it appoints a dynamic and hermeneutical movement which places us between weirdness and familiarity. It is essential to inquire what we have turned into, and it heads for the mysterious movement that conducts life, knowing that its imprint is inaccuracy, changeability, confrontation, border and crossing. Someone else’s presence is perceived as disturbing, and growth does not rely on returning to oneself, yet, on recognizing an endless world that shall never be dominated or conceptualized. This is the general meaning of the experience of otherness. As a formative experience the return to the self through the other person is questioned, leading us to allow the prevalence of something that is against us. Being categorized as Fate the formation time is questioned, which, in opposition to pragmatic and utilitarian forces cannot be understood as a flow and it does not even hold an end. Thus, the formative experiences, which are supposed to conceive the dynamics of life, unfold not only to the certainty of life, but also to the possibility of the unknown.

Author Biography

Raimundo Rajobac, UFRGS

Professor efetivo no Departamento de Música da UFRGS; doutor em Educação pela PUCRS; mestre em Educação pela UPF. Graduado em Filosofia, Música e Teologia.


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How to Cite

Rajobac, R. (2018). Bildung (training) how travel is the experience of alterity. Boitatá, 13(25), 64–74.




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