Theseus, the labyrinth and its name: on the place of enunciation of African literature contemporary
contemporary African literature, Francophone, Metaphysics of presenceAbstract
from the analysis of Nimrod's text "La nouvelle chose française: pour un littérature décolonisée ", in the collective work Pour une littérature-monde (2007), as well as the reading that Léopold Sédar Senghor proposes to Jean-Paul Sartre's Orphée noir, this article investigates the cleavage between notions of French literature and French-speaking literature, focusing on the factors that, according to this author, condition the reception of the French-speaking literary work by the French literary milieu. It is advocated, as hypothesis, that this cleavage results in a prejudice to francophone literatures because understood as 'Other' in French literature. The hypothesis will be developed through what Jonathan Culler (1997) denominates metaphysics of difference, circumscribing, in these terms, Nimrod's contribution to the debate about contemporary francophone literatures.
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