Dissonant voices: tensions between authorship and testimony
Testimony, Authorship, Fiction, Reality, NarrativeAbstract
This work has as its starting point the relations between oral and written, a voice that in contemporary literary writing increasingly emphasizes scriptures that incorporate the qualities of the oral text in its fabric. This interactivity contributes so that, in narrative construction, narrator and narrator intertwine, creating tension in relation to whoever is the author of the text. The most controversial case is the memorialist narrative, because in this the narrator assumes himself as an author, breaking the fine line that separates fiction and reality. I assume that we should observe these texts more as narrative constructions, be it biographical testimony or fictional authorship, despite their own epistemological status, than as coming from fiction or fact, supporting me in the concept of memory and representation. I support myself, to make my considerations, particularly in Pollak (1989), Ricoeur (1999) and Sarlo (2007).
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