On telling and hearing truths and lies: considerations on narratives from children's books and play in a classroom





Children’s oral narratives, Children’s literature, Plays and games, Ethnography, School,


My aim is this article is to discuss the oral narratives formulated by children mainly through a dialogue with narratives written by adults for children, such as those of children’s books and fairy tales. For this purpose, I present some of the narratives, plays and questions which I encountered through an ethnography with children between three and seven years of age in a school in Rio de Janeiro. Based on this fieldwork, I also present some of the discussions that arise in the classroom on the distinction between narratives that are “true” and those that are “makebelieve”, outlining a brief dialogue between this distinction as the children operationalise it and as early anthropologists conceptualise it.


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Author Biography

Guilherme Fians, University of Manchester.

Master in Social Anthropology by the National Museum - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MN-UFRJ). doctoral student in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester.


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How to Cite

Fians, G. (2015). On telling and hearing truths and lies: considerations on narratives from children’s books and play in a classroom. Boitatá, 10(20), 48–88. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2015v10.e31475




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