The voice of poetic discourse in Brazil: a contribution to the cartography of oral poetics in the south region
Voice, Poetic speech, PerformanceAbstract
The article The voice of the poetic speech in Brazil: a contribution for the cartography of oral poetics of South region has collected and analysed projects and dissertations developed about oral poetry, which may connect different lines of research founded in the latest decade at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), located in the South region of Brazil. This material has been used for the construction of a metacriticism about the voice of the poetic speech, we realized which approaches and theorical references has been used in the analysis of oral poetries, and by that way we have collaborated for the construction of the cartography of oral poetics of the South region. This article is part of the project Cartography of Oral Poetics of the Brazil. Its execution was developed according to the following structure: a) selection of academicals researches, projects of researches, theses and dissertations of the South region of Brazil, specifically the academicals works of the Federal University of Paraná; b) framework of the researches selected and formalized according to the project Cartography of Orals Poetics of the Brazil and c) Critical lecture made about the material collected, in order to create a discussion about the phenomenology of the voice in the poetical speeches.Downloads
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How to Cite
Morettini, T. C. B. R. (2012). The voice of poetic discourse in Brazil: a contribution to the cartography of oral poetics in the south region. Boitatá, 7(13), 201–213.
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