Poetry and politics in the intellectual formation of the Guarani People
Social values, Poetics of the voice, Interculturality, Contact areasAbstract
This article is the result of listening to a speech that touches the heart deeply. Mario Karai Moreira is Guarani, a student of Letters at UFRGS since 2008. He was present in a class of the discipline Indigenous and African Letters and Voices, taught at PPG in Letters at UFRGS, in the first half of 2010. This text, composed of a coming and going , establishes a complementary movement between the experiences and points of view reported on that occasion and the its epistemological implications. In Mário's speech, the social and poetic values of the Guarani voice are realized, as well as the effects of an intercultural relationship that can be understood as a “contact zone” (PRATT, 1999).
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