Orality marks in “the woman who ate the lover”, by Bernardo Élis





Bernardo Élis, Orality, Dialogism


This study intends to analyse the short story “A mulher que comeu o amante”, by Bernardo Élis. The employed resource concerns to orality as inherent sign of the narrator and character´s speech, each of them in its own manner. The article inquires therefore after how the brazilian inland oral tradition is depicted in a sort of text in which the discursive ambiguity is taken as a valid expression, in such wise as to link, throughout dialogism, a regional theme to the universal human subject. The methodological way to go is investigating some components of the chosen short story through an oral nature reformulated as artistic artefact. For this, authors such as Mikhail Bakhtin (1981), Walter Benjamin (1979), Irene Machado (1995), among others, appear relevant.


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Author Biography

Miguel Heitor Braga Vieira, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

PhD student in Literature / Literary Studies at UEL.Professor of Literary Theory and Portuguese Language Literatures at UENP - Cornélio Procópio campus


BAKHTIN, Mikhail. Problemas da poética de Dostoiévski. Rio de Janeiro: ForenseUniversitária, 1981.

BENJAMIN, Walter. O narrador: considerações sobre a obra de Nicolai Leskov. In: BENJAMIN, Walter. Magia e técnica, arte e política: ensaios sobre literatura e história da cultura. Trad. Sérgio Paulo Rouanet. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1979.

BOSI, Alfredo. História Concisa da Literatura Brasileira. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1994.

ÉLIS, Bernardo. Os melhores contos de Bernardo Élis / seleção de Gilberto Mendonça Teles. São Paulo: Ed. Global, 1996.

FERNANDES, Frederico Augusto Garcia. A voz em performance: uma abordagem de narrativas e versos orais da cultura oral pantaneira. 2003 . Tese (Doutorado em Letras) - Universidade Estadual Paulista, Assis, 2003.

FERNANDES, Frederico Augusto Garcia (Org.) Oralidade e Literatura: manifestações e abordagens no Brasil. Londrina: Eduel, 2003.

MACHADO, Irene. O romance e a voz: a prosaica de Mikhail Bakhtin. Rio de Janeiro/São Paulo: Imago/Fapesp, 1995.

ONG, Walter. Oralidade e cultura escrita. Trad. Enid A. Dobránzky. Campinas: Papirus, 1998.



How to Cite

Vieira, M. H. B. (2009). Orality marks in “the woman who ate the lover”, by Bernardo Élis. Boitatá, 4(8), 145–152. https://doi.org/10.5433/boitata.2009v4.e31068


