Crop rotation and soil biochemical and microbiological characteristics and corn crop yield
No tillage, Microbial biomass, Soil fertilityAbstract
Soil management practices exert important influence on biological and biochemical properties of soil. This work aimed to valuate the impact of crop rotation on soil biochemical and microbiological attributes, as well and influence on corn crop yield. The experiment was carried out during 2005/06 crop season, in Dourados – MS, Brazil. Experimental design was randomized blocks with treatments established in sub-divided plots with tree replications, which seasons were plots and management systems were sub-plots. Studied seasons were winter and summer and no tillage systems were represented by five crop rotation schemes, which involved the cultures of hairy vetch, bean, oat, forage turnip, soybean, crotalaria, corn, sorghum, pearl millet, sunflower and, in conventional tillage, with corn in winter and with soybean in summer. Native vegetation constituted one treatment and, with conventional tillage, it was used as ecosystem of reference as control for comparison between possible alterations in chemical and microbiological attributes with the establishment of a system more conservationist for soil management. There was a positive correlation among Norg, Corg, Porg and C-BMS contents with chemical attributes of soil fertility, which shows interdependence between chemical and biology of soil. The elimination of native vegetation and the substitution for cultivation system after that reduce the C-BMS. In Cerrado conditions, studied cultivation systems increased phosphorus content in soil. Crop rotation influenced corn yield after the cultivation of determined species as crotalaria and vetch in crop rotation.
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