Meat quality of broiler chickens submitted to different times of pre-slaughter fasting
Meat coloring, Shear force, pH, Food withdrawal, Lipid oxidation.Abstract
The influence exerted by different pre-slaughter fasting times on the meat quality of the male and female broilers, slaughtered at 35 and 42 days of age was evaluated, using 128, randomly selected birds from a larger batch, and rearing of the same management and diets. The treatments involved a diet of 4, 8, 12 and 16 h of feed and water restrictions, prior to slaughter. For each fasting time, eight birds of each sex were slaughtered. Meat quality was evaluated by assessing the pH, meat color using a CR400 Minolta Colorimeter, shear force using a Texture Analyzer device (model TA-XT2I) and lipid peroxidation, determined by the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances method (TBARS). Fasting times and between males and females slaughtered at 35 and 42 days ofage showed no effect and hence no difference (P>0.05) in the pH, color and shear force. With respect to lipid oxidation, no difference was reported between fasting times at 35 days of age and between males and females; however, at 42 days a difference was evident between fasting times, in both males and females, and in 12 and 16 h it was higher whencompared to 4 and 8 h of fasting. The conclusion drawn was that the fasting timesexert no effect on the pH, color and, shear force of the broiler meat. However, the lipid oxidation values were higher after 12 h of fasting in the birds slaughtered at 42 days of age.
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