Hamburger made with mechanically separated poultry meat and essential oil of oregano or peppermint added as an antioxidant
FRAP, Mentha piperita, Origanum vulgare, Sensory acceptance, Total coliforms.Abstract
The increased production of mechanically separated poultry meat has led to its use in the production of foods of higher commercial value, such as hamburgers. However, hamburgers are more susceptible to oxidation, therefore, the goal of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of hamburgers made with mechanically separated meat (MSM) from broilers and broiler breeder hens supplemented with oregano (Origanum vulgare) or peppermint (Mentha piperita). Hamburgers with a synthetic antioxidant and three levels of oregano and peppermint essential oils were evaluated using a sensory acceptance test. An inclusion level of 0.04% for both essentials oils was chosen for this test to evaluate the physical-chemical compositions as well as the microbiological and antioxidant activities because an inclusion level of 0.08% received a lower score from the evaluators. Higher pH values were found in hamburgers made with broiler MSM (control (6.94) and peppermint essential oil (6.93) and in broiler breeder hens MSM supplemented with peppermint essential oil (6.89). When comparing the origin of MSM, lower pH values were found in the broiler hamburgers supplemented with oregano essential oils (6.83). The total coliform counts at day zero were significantly higher for the hamburgers made with broiler breeder hens MSM with oregano essential oil, however, broilers MSM supplemented with a synthetic antioxidant showed the lowest count when compared to that of the others. For Staphylococcus coagulase-negative bacteria, growth was observed only on day zero, with a low count in hamburgers made with broiler breeder hens MSM and broiler MSM supplemented with synthetic antioxidant or peppermint essential oil. Hamburgers made with MSM from broilers and broiler breeder hens supplemented with synthetic antioxidants showed higher antioxidant capacity with an average of 2378.75 and 2265.43 µmols equivalent Trolox/mg, respectively. Our results suggest that the essential oils of oregano or peppermint can be used in the formulation of hamburgers since they presented high sensory acceptability and reduced contamination.
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