Agricultural potential and soil use based on the pedogenetic properties of soils from the cerrado-caatinga transition
Soil classification, Geochemistry, Agroforestry Systems.Abstract
The sustainable use of soil requires a broad knowledge of its genesis, morphology, properties, and distribution in the landscape. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the pedogenetic attributes of representative soils from the cerrado-caatinga transition of the Gurguéia river basin to indicate their agricultural potential and limitations for the implementation of agroforestry systems. National and international soil classification systems were used to define the soil classes. The limiting factors and agricultural potential were characterized following the evaluation system of the agricultural potential of Brazilian land. In general, profiles 1, 3, 5, and 6 had a low nutrient budget and a sandy to loam texture. Profiles 2, 4, and 7 showed high clay content and nutrient budget. The soil profiles were classified as Ustic Quartzipsamments, Udic Haplusterts, Xanthic Haplustox, Arenic Kanhaplustults, Typic Haplustox, and Aridic Dystrustept based on their pedogenetic characteristics. Udic Haplusterts and Arenic Kanhaplustults soils display restrictions regarding the planting of forests owing to oxygen and soil depth limitations. The other soil classes had adequate physical properties for the implementation of agricultural systems and pastures, including good drainage and medium texture; however, they had low natural fertility, and thus require technologies for soil acidity correction and fertilization. Ustic Quartzipsamments and Ustic soils require the implementation of conservation systems, such as agroforestry, to avoid degradation.Downloads
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